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Call Us: 602.957.7010

3901 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85018

Entrance Requirements

Christ Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic, and other school administered programs.

Upon receiving and completing an application and prior to admission, the administration will review transcripts and evaluations and will contact prior schools and references. Should the administration decide to proceed, the student will be given an academic evaluation. The administration reserves the right to end the acceptance process at any time.

Because we want children to be successful at Christ Lutheran School, all new students will be accepted on a probationary status. There will be an ongoing review by CLS teachers and administration regarding the student’s academic performance, behavior, effort, and attendance. Should there be questions about school/student fit, parents will be contacted. The administration reserves the right to rescind acceptance, at any time.

New students who apply for admission at CLS are notified of acceptance on an ongoing basis, pending completion of the application process. If your child has been accepted, but the final transcripts or other records reveal any new information which would adversely affect consideration for enrollment, we reserve the right to review our initial acceptance.

Children entering kindergarten must reach the age of five before September 1st of the current school year. Exceptions to this rule, mandated by the State of Arizona for public schools, will be made only on the basis of bona fide evidence that such an exception will benefit the child, not only at the present time but also in the child's future years.

In cases in which the child has been evaluated by a psychologist and has an evaluation (current or otherwise) and has an IEP, 504 plan, or a physical disability or medical needs, it is imperative that complete information concerning the child be made known to the administration during the application process in order that the school be best prepared to meet the child's needs.

All students entering Christ Lutheran School MUST have on record, in addition to the ordinary registration papers, an immunization record and a signed emergency form. The State of Arizona requires that each public or non-public school has on record such an immunization record upon enrollment of any student. In addition, the immunization record MUST be kept current. Schools are held responsible to exclude students from school who have not started the shots or who are overdue for the next dose.

All Kindergarten students are required to have a physical examination before the start of the school year. The form to be completed by your child's physician is available from the school office.

All students grades 5 through 8, who plan on participating in the after school sports program, will be required to have a yearly sports physical. The form to be completed is available from the school office.

For questions regarding entrance requirements, please contact Ellen Porter, Admissions Director, at, 602-957-7010 ext. 1029 or 602-653-2951 (work cell).

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